Monday, 25 June 2018


This is the best adventure so far! Herself took me to Scargill. I made lovely new friends and even learned a skill (see below). I am a bear of hidden talents.

I'm still learning about selfies.
You can just see Scargill House (a bit wonky) in the background.
Chocolate on big squishy pillows!

Room with a view.
Posing with my two new friends in the walled garden.
Love auntie Fiona and auntie Helen.

Saturday's adventure was a beautiful walk in the Dales:

Scamper the Explorer!
With Snowy, Creamy and Chocolate.
Like Herself, I'm curious to see what's off the beaten track.
So we climbed a wall to see what was on the other side....

The view was worth the climb.

Scamper the Explorer finds a rabbit hole!
(Herself wondered if it was a mole hill (there were lots around) until she realised,
in my excitement, I'd sat on a pile of rabbit droppings....)

King of the castle.

Do I like butter?

Just 'resting my eyes' before the long climb down.

Sunday's adventure was learning a new skill with auntie Cathy:

Manoeuvring a needle is tricky with paws.
But auntie Cathy was very patient.

Ta da!

Bye bye Scargill.

Saturday, 16 June 2018


It's been a funny old week.... After the fun of Monsal Head I didn't expect to end up in hospital two days later. It was quite exciting though in its own way.

I was a poorly bear so Himself took us to hospital.

Sucking my thumb helped while the nurses checked my heart beat.
Having my blood pressure taken was fun.
A few times the cuff pinged off (I don't think that's meant to happen). 

This isn't Herself force-feeding me.
The doctor thought I might feel better if I could blow into a syringe.
I blew till my cheeks went red, but it didn't make me feel better.

This contraption on my paw measured how much oxygen was in my blood.

I took a book to while away the time in A&E.

I had to stay in overnight.
Herself was allowed to stay with me and we snuggled up together.
I'm glad she was there.

Sometimes I felt a bit worried and sucked my thumb.
But the doctors and nurses took good care of me.

Here I am back home, feeling much better.

Sunday, 10 June 2018


Hello! I'm Scamper and until recently I lived on the top shelf of a bookcase with some other furry friends. I'm a bit tatty now but Herself thinks that adds to my cuteness factor. Whatever, it's not about looks, it's about living.

So, I've started going out and about again - mostly in Herself's handbag - and have decided to keep a picture blog of my adventures. Here's the first of what I hope will be many instalments.

Today we visited Monsal Head in the Peak District.

Headstone Viaduct

We found this gorgeous waterfall underneath the viaduct

Sunny day at the viaduct

It was dark in Headstone Tunnel but I'm brave as well as cute so we were all fine
Admiring the view with some friends: Chocolate, Creamy and Snowy

I was ready for this banana and toffee milkshake after all that walking

The horses took a fancy to this chilli jam - suppose it makes a change from grass

Tucking into a Sunday roast was the perfect ending to a lovely day