Thursday, 31 December 2020

Christmas 2020

 I hope if you're reading this that you had a marvellous Christmas. I had lots of fun and presents and some new friends came to stay. Plus Herself and I have been out for frosty walks every day. I'm hoping for snow now so that I can make full use of my favourite present.

I love my sleigh, made by Herself, and my
sleigh bells and luxury purple robe courtesy of Auntie Cathy.

Me and my new friends.
L to R:
Steffi on Big Unicorn, Toff on Little Unicorn, me,
Chrissy and Pup.

Pup, me and Chrissy watching The Great British Sewing Bee.

Working off some of our Christmas calories by having a race.
No idea how come Pup is in the lead!

Stocking up on the calories we just lost in the race.
Delicious cake made by Aunt Sally (nothing to do with Wurzel Gummidge).

All set for the sales.

Oooh, so long since I've been in a shopping mall with Herself. 
We came early to avoid the crowds.

Loving the decorations.
(Can you see me?)

I love shopping!

Enjoying cuddles with Herself in her cosy new M&S jumper.

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

My New Bed

 Auntie Cathy has been very kindly sending gifts to me during the summer. It has been fun getting parcels through the door with my name on. My favourite is a comfy bed so I can sleep beside Herself on the bedside cabinet, all warm and snug.

A parcel with my name on it!

It's a thumbs up for my marvellous yellow pencil.

Oooh, an exciting package.

What's in here?

It's furry!

Snug as a bear in fur.

Monday, 20 July 2020

Gift in the Post

Herself hasn't been well in the last few months and has received several parcels through the post. Himself and I look on jealously as she opens all sorts of exciting gifts from friends.

You will never guess what. Today it was my turn. Auntie Cathy (who taught me how to embroider and made Herself a superhero cape to match mine) sent me a gift. Me!

Oooh, what's in here?

A whole lot of small-bear-sized umbrellas -
and a card from Auntie Cathy!

A gift for me...

...and I love it.
(This gets the double thumbs up from me.)

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Under Lockdown

Herself is a little sad that she has now joined the 1.5+ million people who need to self-isolate and stay shielded during this horrible coronavirus. She would love to go for a long walk in the countryside - and I miss going with her.

But we can still enjoy mooching round the garden together and looking at the daisies.

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Best Bookshop Ever

Last weekend we had the best time. Herself is going through some difficult things as well as this horrible coronavirus that is affecting everyone. So Himself took us away for a few days.

Herself and I spent the whole day at Barter Books in Alnwick and had the most marvellous time.

Here we are! 

A marvellous secondhand bookshop inside a quaint old railway station.

This place gets a double thumbs up from me.

We're here! And it's so big!

This is me sorted.

Lots of cosy places to sit quietly and read.

Enjoying a cup of tea beside a real coal fire.
I love this place.

Very good advice.

Can you see the model trains above my head?
Choo choo!

Herself bought one or two books for herself and some little girls
to keep them going.


Monday, 10 February 2020


It snowed today! I was so excited, I couldn't wait to get out and play in it with my big furry friend Jonathan.

Jonathan borrowed Himself's woolly hat to keep his ears warm.

I can't resist a good pose.

Getting ready for some snowball fun.
The snowball is nearly as big as me....


 I hope we get more snow tomorrow.... Wouldn't that be fun?

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Moving House

About eighteen months ago, we moved house. It was lots of hard work but we had fun moving and, of course, lots of mugs of tea.

We bought lots of cardboard boxes from Big Yellow Self-Storage.

And we borrowed a load more cardboard boxes and newspaper.

Herself packed all our furry friends very carefully while I supervised.
Lots and lots of packing.
I was a busy bear.

Herself's desk all ready to be taken apart for moving day.
Bare walls. Bare desk. Bear.

It's moving day! The van's arrived!

We've got the keys!

Herself made lists.
Himself made tea.
I kept us all going with chocolate goodies.
Busy, busy, busy.

Do you like the new shoe rack I put together?

Assembling more new furniture.
What did we do before Allen keys?

Ta da!

Yay! Herself's desk is set up and we're ready for work.

Exploring our new area.

Choosing new sofas.
Maybe we'll ditch the psychedelic cushions....

Wey hey! The new sofas have arrived.

Very comfy.

This is home.