Monday, 25 January 2021

Lots of Snow!

 Herself loves the snow and so do I. Yesterday I had a chance to use my new sledge and play with my unicorn friends. We've had a marvellous time.

Excited to be off for our snowy walk.

Just look how deep the snow is! 
So busy having fun that I left my scarf in the bottom of Herself's handbag.

Double thumbs up for all the marvellous snow.

After my snowy walk with Herself, we went back home and I played with my unicorn friends in the garden.

Steffi and Toff prefer sunshine to snow so they stayed home.

Here we all are. Isn't it deep?!
Pup, me, Chrissy, Little Unicorn and Big Unicorn.

The unicorns loved it.

Oh what fun it is to ride in a [two unicorn] open sleigh, hey!

Definition of happiness: Scamper in snow.

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