Thursday, 19 December 2019

Garden Centre Christmas

I love the bright lights and sparkliness of Christmas. So many opportunities for me to show off my furry cuteness (yeah, right). We went to a garden centre at the beginning of Advent which was marvellous fun.

Scamper-sized trees.


I'm off on a safari
(just kidding).

Oooh, sparkly Santa.
Double thumbs up from me.

Look at this model village.
It's got a miniature ski lift and everything.


A musical engine.
What will they think of next?

Can you see me?

You can't beat a glittery unicorn.

Joy to the world....

I think this bear was a bit grumpy about me sitting
on his head.
I'm glad he didn't try sitting on mine.


Just chillin' and dreamin' of a white Christmas....