Sunday, 21 April 2019


Happy Easter!

The last word of the Lent challenge is:  AMAZED. A good word for Easter Sunday. It's amazing and awesome and marvellous that Jesus came back to life. 

Herself doesn't feel well enough to go to church these days so we cuddled up together and watched BBC's Songs of Praise to celebrate Easter with many other followers of Jesus in a similar position.

Celebrating the amazingness of Easter!

We also went for an Easter walk this afternoon. Enjoy.

Herself loves trees in blossom, especially against a blue sky.

I was happily ambling along when I heard a voice:
'Come on Scamper! Photo shoot!'

Herself and I don't know the path ahead of us or what the next twelve months will bring.
But we are choosing to trust God our Father -
and hope that by next Easter we will be able to celebrate His Son's resurrection in church.

Thursday, 18 April 2019


Today's word in the Lent challenge is AMONG.

Aren't these tulips marvellous?

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Teddy Bears' Picnic Here

I haven't posted a photo for the Lent challenge in a while. A bear's life is a busy one! Today's word is here.

Last Friday I had some fun here, at home, with Herself and my friends.

Herself was feeling a bit low so to cheer her up we decided to have a teddy bears' picnic. I helped in the kitchen making paw-sized chilli-cheese scones and ginger cup cakes. We all had great fun.

Enjoy the photos!


Checking I've remembered all the ingredients.

Love these cheery cup cake cases.

Ta da!

We got out the Tweety-Pie teapot and everything.
(No puddy tats here though.)

I'm sitting next to my best friend Kik-A-Boo, still wearing her fluffy Christmas scarf.

Smiles all round.

Super-fun way to spend an afternoon.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

National Unicorn Day

It's National Unicorn Day today! My best friend is a pink unicorn with a big smile and a glittery horn. Her name is Kik-A-Boo and Herself won her on Hook-a-Duck at a local fair last year. Here are some photos of me and Kik-A-Boo.