Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Book Launch

I recently took Herself to Philip S Davies' book launch in Oxford. It was for the release of the final book Destiny's Ruin in his fantasy trilogy about Queen Kat of Anestra. I had to fight Herself to get to read it, she wouldn't put it down long enough for me to grab it. But it was worth the wait when I did get my paws on it.

Setting off in the car.

On the Park & Ride bus in Oxford.

Ooooh! There's Blackwell's bookshop.

Posing for a sneaky photo with the artefacts.

Close up of the cake (which tasted as good as it looks).
Exciting moment when uncle Philip cut the cake.

I think uncle Philip must be a best-seller! Look at all these books he's written.

Posing with the author.
(I think that makes me famous.)

I met a new friend at the book launch.
This is Sheepish.

Oxford is very historic.

What a marvellous read. Loving this book.


  1. Wow, I love it! All of this going on behind the scenes at a book launch, and I never realised it. I'm so glad you had an exciting day out in Oxford, Scamper, and thank you for enjoying my books. Please pass on my thanks to Herself too. ;-)
