Sunday, 26 January 2020

Moving House

About eighteen months ago, we moved house. It was lots of hard work but we had fun moving and, of course, lots of mugs of tea.

We bought lots of cardboard boxes from Big Yellow Self-Storage.

And we borrowed a load more cardboard boxes and newspaper.

Herself packed all our furry friends very carefully while I supervised.
Lots and lots of packing.
I was a busy bear.

Herself's desk all ready to be taken apart for moving day.
Bare walls. Bare desk. Bear.

It's moving day! The van's arrived!

We've got the keys!

Herself made lists.
Himself made tea.
I kept us all going with chocolate goodies.
Busy, busy, busy.

Do you like the new shoe rack I put together?

Assembling more new furniture.
What did we do before Allen keys?

Ta da!

Yay! Herself's desk is set up and we're ready for work.

Exploring our new area.

Choosing new sofas.
Maybe we'll ditch the psychedelic cushions....

Wey hey! The new sofas have arrived.

Very comfy.

This is home.