Sunday, 24 February 2019

Hide and Seek in Ikea

I went with Herself and Himself to Ikea a couple of evenings ago. Wooo, what a place. I drove Herself demented with hiding in all sorts of places. I had fun, not sure about anyone else....

We've arrived!

Small-bear-sized furniture.

In the jungle, the mighty jungle,
the Scamper sleeps tonight...

These pandas are very friendly.

I'm not sure Owl is very impressed with my hiding place.

Lit-up arrows on the floor showed us where to go.
I just enjoyed the ride.

So many candles!
(This is Herself's favourite part of the shop.)

Hee hee!

The warehouse is HUGE.
Wouldn't want to get lost here.

Hitching a ride with Himself.

Handy blue bags.

When you're through the tills and think you're done...
there's CHOCOLATE.

No trip to Ikea would be complete without a hot dog.